Connect Off- Online Retail

Servicepoint for Retail Costumers

Peek & Cloppenburg


Meine Rolle
Strategie, Senior Designer + Creative Direction

Dan Pearlman

How might a spatial design bring the idea of the costumer-oriented services to life and make them tangible?

  • Reduce the waiting times at the cash desks. The new strategy aimed to unburden the cash desks from any customer services. Returns, Click&Collect, customer complaints, change requests. Together with a tailor´s studio they will build a new unit in the service world of Peek & Cloppenburg.

  • Ensuring a positive customer experience. For the whole spectrum of customers.

  • Let the service feel like a service! Be the customer´s partner and advocate. It´s not only about the direct approach. The space is able to support a successful costumer experience by removing any barriers between the costumer and the service staff. It provides an intuitive and user-friendly environment, where the costumer concerns build the focus. A frontal position will be exchanged by a next to each other position, which reflects the idea of the new service: supportive and cooperative.

  • Due to latest techniqual standards the technical cash equipment could be reduced to a minimum, which allowed in consequence a more delicate shape. The formerly heavy volume will now be replaced by a round table with a lighter structure, in order to discuss the services. Complemented with transparent cubes as bag rests and a small solid stele in the background as the new technical cashdesk.
    The round shape allows a side to side with the costumer. Which reflects a new understanding of service and a new quality standard.


Target Groups

Spatial Organisation Chart: Showing the spatial size of each Area and their needed connexions and possible synergies.

  • Understanding the problem space
    Benchmark research for the Retail Service World.
    Analysing all activities within the specific P&C Service World.
    Defining the core problem.
    Defining the goals.

  • Brainstorming for Service Features
    Defining the flows
    Defining the space program
    Ideation of spatial solutions
    Identifiying possible spatial synergies
    First layout scribbles
    First visual scribbles

  • Spatial Design
    Iterating the layout
    Composition in 3D Space
    Lighting Concept
    Material Concept
    Furniture Design


Familie Kiefer


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